' cookieChoices = {};' Seamus Ryan News: 09/22/09

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Eyes wide shut

Yesterday saw the launch of the RNIB's new campaign which calls on all of us to contemplate the question, 'What would you lose from your life if you lost your sight?'. In the UK each day one hundred people are told they will lose their sight, only eight of whom can be given support. The RNIB want to increase awareness of the situation and need a great deal more funding to help many more people in coping with such devastating news.

Despite the sombre subject matter, the shoot was a great pleasure to do. All the subjects are real people (i.e. not models or actors) who gave up their time for a very worthy cause. Special thanks to the rugby players from Hampstead RFC who happily put up with hours of mud splattering and press ups.

As a portrait photographer I am conditioned to concentrating on eye contact in my subjects. Removing the eyes from the equation presented a new and fascinating challenge. It says a lot of the subjects that they could still communicate so well without seeing.

Working with agency St Lukes and the committed team at RNIB made this a dream job for an old snapper. To find out more about the campaign and to get involved please click here.